Below you will find links to some of the TSuite products in action. If you click on the actual T-Suite icon it will open a new window to explain more.

TSuite was built to assist organizations in processing batch information from one information source to another completely independent system at the same time. TSuite is agnostic to both the source and the destination as long as both can be accessed using a standards based provider. The rich SQL interface allows users to refine and optimize the request. Fields can be split to add even more functions. The destination logic can be based on a true test condition path, a false condition path or a perform always path. The full request is logged and the TWatcher function of TSuite provides for a mechanism for those conditions that need further investigation in order to be processed.


T-Suite's iconography was created to provide a clear and understandable User Experience.

The JAAT logo is comprised of two main colours. 


The components


T-Loader icon

The T-Loader component is the main component and it drives all other components. This is where the user creates a job to be scheduled and executed.

The job definition includes the source collection method, source data separation, output field mappings and destination logic. The job definition can then be scheduled for execution.

Advance features such as; testing mode, error log review, history log review are inherit in the T-Loader component of T-Suite

Conditional job execution that all allows for a SQL condition check. The result of the condition then provides for a true path SQL function, a false path SQL function and an execute always path SQL function. This creative approach provides for intelligent updates and of course full logging of all SQL paths.


Runs a script for job execution

T-Batch allows you to create a script of jobs to run. The script can be controlled by following a path of successful completions or execute specific T-Loader jobs based on failed execution.


t-Scheduler icon

Once a job is created and a schedule has been defined, The T-Scheduler service then submits the jobs for execution based on the user defined schedule.

T-Scheduler is only setup once and is a fully compliant Windows Service


T-Runner icon

T-Runner is the component that reads the job file, executes the job file and writes to the appropriate logs.

T-Runner can be engaged manually by the user or automatically by the T-Scheduler service component.


T-Watcher icon

T-Watcher is used to monitor the logs of any job. The user can set the timing for T-Watcher to check the logs. T-Watcher can be on as many machines as required so your users can monitor logs and address those entries that need user intervention to complete.

Since the T-Suite tool is a row by row tool, the user can adjust the row logic of a failed entry and resubmit for reprocessing. All successful insert and updates are processed and any failed rows are available for edit and maintenance to the T-Watcher component.


Transform you data prior to using

T-Transform is the work horse that allows you to manipulate your data before T-Loader is engaged . This provides for data efficiency and ease of job development. Remove all the data issues prior to needed the data for down stream processes.

T-Transformwill allow you to;

  • Extract header information from the title row to make columns
  • Perform functions at the row level
  • Perform functions for all rows
  • Perform functions for columns
  • Perform functions for specific columns


T-Monitor -- Listen for files in a directory

T-Monitor will watch for files to added to windows directories. You can select what directory to look for, what type of file to look for and/or what pattern of file to look for.

Once the file is dropped in the directory you can have it execute a T-Loader job or a T-Batch job.



The drag and drop function of the T-Suite product.  It can be used to launch a T-Loader job or a T-Batch Job.



The ability to create a flat file output from one or many input sources.  Most common formats are CSV and XML.


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Click HERE to contact JAAT Solutions to learn more about the T-Suite product.